Community Based Health Centres
17 Jan 2017
Since the year 1981 the TMSSS is running four Health Centres at Manjampatty, Malaipatty, Avarampatty and Chinnandipatty to alleviate the immediate sufferings of the rural poor and the less privileged without any discrimination on the basis of Caste, religion, language, colour etc. All the patients who approach the Health Centres are given free consultation, free medicines and drugs. Only for deliveries a normal fee is being collected.
This programme is being run purely on charity basis because no funds and grants are being solicited from any source.
In addition to the extension of the required medical services in the centres the patients who need specialized treatment and care are referred to other established hospitals with whom the TMSSS have developed good and tie-up. The TMSSS referred patients are treated at concessional rate in all the tie-up hospitals.